Tuesday, 3 April 2012


I'm just at the point in my life where I feel like I've found myself again. I wasn't lost necessarily, more misplaced. I know it sounds cliche but when getting your teeth brushed by two in the afternoon is considered an accomplishment its time to reflect. And that's just my own teeth. That's how it seems to be when you're a mom. First up in the morning but last for everything else. I had accepted that, and on the most part happily. But now the girls are a little older, a little more independent and can brush their own teeth. This has given me the opportunity to open a book again, pick up a paintbrush and get out of my pj's by noon (if I want). Its a nice feeling. Foreign, and at first saddled with guilt, but nice. So for any moms out there that feel lost or misplaced at the moment hang in there, you'll get found again one day soon and it won't be during a game of hide n seek.

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