Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Tis the season...

Every time I try to have a garage sale I just end up buying my own stuff. Which, according to my husband is pointless and a waste of time. I guess he's right, maybe this once. Its not my fault really, everything just looks so good and new again spread out on a plastic table in front of a lawn chair. Therefore I have decided to be on the opposite end this year, to be the browser and even the buyer perhaps. I am in the market for something that I probably will never use or just put in my drawer and forget about. I want to be like my friend Jackie (@jacquiwalks), she has this ability to take something someone is getting rid of and turn it into something beautiful. She'll make you wish you never threw it out or gave it away. She can see the value in it when someone else can't anymore. With a little effort and time the trash is truly turned into treasure. I also need to apply that to my life, to take the garbage and transform it. Pull something out of a bad situation that I can learn from and maybe have it result in something beautiful. And that is real renewal. @leahlaing

Monday, 21 May 2012

Talking to the wall

I have two daughters that recently turned 15 and 13. This officially makes me a couple of things. 1. A proud mother to two teenagers and 2. Someone that knows pretty much nothing. But this is what I do know and what I want my daughters to know as well. Be confident, but know there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Love yourself even on the hard days, no matter what the world tells you real beauty starts internally first. Surround yourself with good people. Pick your friends and the ones you choose to love carefully, they will have more impact on the rest of your life than you think. Respect and trust is earned, it is not just tossed on you for no reason and can be lost in seconds. All the little choices you make will end up reflecting on the person you become. Forgive easily because there will be a time when you need to be forgiven. When in doubt look up. You can't go wrong. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13 Grip those three words tightly. So even though sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the wall or whispering instruction in vain I can already see the greatness in both of them. Which makes me think that no matter what they imply, I may know what I'm talking about just a little and it may just be reaching them on a way I can't see on a daily basis. So that makes me a happy mom. And a hopeful one.